Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mar 29: Wholesome Determination

On this day in 2002, Disney's live-action The Rookie was released. Based on the true story of pitcher Jim Morris who had a brief but famous Major League career, the film starred Dennis Quaid as Morris.
Teacher & coach Morris had "blown his arm" out during his days in the Minor Leagues. Now a coach of a struggling school team, he bets his players that if they win the district champions ... he will tryout for the majors. His team does well and Morris (still able to throw a 98 mph fastball) keeps his end of the bargain. He eventually signs with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays as a relief pitcher and the leagues "oldest rookie." He goes on to have a short but memorable career pitching 15 innings in 21 games with an earned run average of 4.80!
The scene where Morris tests his fastball speed by throwing it past a speed limit road monitor ... actually never happened in real life.
Filmed entirely in North and Central Texas, The Rookie proves its never too late to believe in your dreams.

"I consider myself very lucky. God has a funny way of bringing some things around and knocking you in the head with the ultimate destination." -Jim Morris

Click HERE for more March 29 Disney history.

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