Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 03: Walter

On this day in 1871, Reverend Walter Robinson Parr, a preacher & author was born in Liverpool, England. Ordained to the Congregational ministry in Clifton, Illinois in 1898, he was a pastor in many Chicago area churches in the early 1900s.
Among his pastorates - St. Paul's Congregational Church in Chicago, the very same one Elias Disney and his wife were members of. Elias - who became good friends with Reverend Parr - named his fourth child Walter after him. Parr in return named his son Elias!
Ironically Reverend Parr past away in 1922 at age 50 in Lewiston, Idaho ... the same town where Walt Disney married Lillian Bounds in July 1925.

Click HERE for more May 03 Disney history.

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