Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We Interrupt Today ...

Today in Disney History would like to stray from our regular format to present a guest blog from Brad at the new Disney-fan site DisMarks. I feel it's worth posting - as DisMarks is a bit different from other Disney fan sites.

DisMarks is a social media service, like Digg, created exclusively for Disney fans. There is an amazing amount of original and insightful content generated daily about Disney as well as a tremendous amount of news. For those interested in keeping up with the latest great blogs and information, DisMarks can be a very useful tool.
You can join DisMarks and submit stories, vote for your favorite stories and sites, and even vote on other users' comments. Of course you can also just use DisMarks passively to read the most popular stories in the Dis-o-sphere.
Make sure to submit your favorite "days" from Today In Disney History--voting for these will bring them to the attention of even more Disney fans! And with this blog's daily format, there are tons of opportunities to promote it.
We hope you'll enjoy DisMarks and consider sharing some of your favorite Disney sites with the community there.

Thanks Brad and best of luck with DisMarks. I'll be visiting often.

Click HERE for April 28 Disney history.

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