Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April 21: Up, Up & Away

After weeks of soft-openings, the Characters In Flight attraction at WDW had an official opening ceremony on this day in 2009. (Ironically due to heavy winds - no guests were actually able to experience the ride on that particular morning.)
A large tethered helium-filled balloon located in Downtown Disney, West Side (not far from Planet Hollywood), 30 guests at a time can be lifted 400 feet above Buena Vista Lagoon for a breathtaking 360-degree panoramic view. Built by Aerophile (a company headquartered in France), the yellow and red balloon called Aero30 is attached to a round gondola that is 19 feet in diameter. Guests board from a specially designed platform before starting their 6-minute flight. On a clear day ... it is possible to see up to 10 miles away!

Soar on over HERE for much more April 21 Disney history.

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