Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20: Allen's Going to WDW!

On this day in 2009, singer Kris Allen shouted "I'm Going to Disney World!" upon being named the newest American Idol on the Nokia Theatre stage in California. The second Idol to ever shout the famous words (David Cook had been the first in 2008), Allen was also the first married contestant to claim the title as well as the sixth winner from the Southern United States.

Although from Arkansas, Allen auditioned for American Idol in Louisville, Kentucky along with his brother (who did not make it to Hollywood). In the early stages of the season, he was actually among the finalists who didn't get much screen time or attention. Yet as the season progressed, Allen became a fan favorite eventually beating out flamboyant Adam Lambert by a small margin of votes.

Allen's post-show tour included a trip to Disney's Hollywood Studios, where a parade was held in his honor on May 29. He also visited The American Idol Experience where he announced that day's winner.

Click HERE for more May 20 Disney history.

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