Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16: Big Day For Disney Legends

The Disney Legends awards are given annually by The Walt Disney Company to honor those who have made a notable contribution to the company. Ceremonies are typically (but not always) held sometime between September - November at the Disney Legends Plaza on the studio lot in Burbank.

On three separate occasions new Disney Legends were named on October 16.

In 1996 Bob Allen, Rex Allen, X Atencio, Betty Lou Gerson, Bill Justice, Sam McKim, Bob Matheison, Bob Moore, Bill Peet, and Joe Potter were recognized as Disney Legends.

The large Class of 1998 included 20 great names in Disney history like James Algar, Buddy Baker, Kathryn Beaumont, Virginia Davis, Roy E. Disney, Hayley Mills, Kurt Russell, and Dick Van Dyke.

Five years later in 2003 Neil Beckett, Tutti Camarata, Edna Francis Disney, Lillian Disney, Orlando Ferrante, Richard Fleischer, Floyd Gottfredson, Buddy Hackett, Harrison "Buzz" Price, Alfred Taliaferro, and Ilene Woods became Disney Legends.

To view a complete list of all Disney Legends click HERE.

For more October 16 Disney history ... please click HERE.

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